Tips For Beginning Fitness

Tips For Beginning Fitness 

So you stood on the scales and realize, you have to do something or you're not going to be able to zip your jeans up soon. You're going to begin a fitness program. These tips will help you to safely begin your fitness program.

Check With Your Doctor

Before you begin any fitness program, check with your doctor. Your doctor knows what your health level is at and will tell you what exercises you can and shouldn't do. Follow your doctors advice.

Start Slowly

Professional athletes didn't start out that way. They started slowly and worked their way up to where they are at today. You need to start your new exercise routine slowly and work your way up as well. Learn to warm up and cool down to prevent injuries.

Grab a Friend

It's hard to commit yourself to a fitness routine. Grab a friend and you'll be more likely to continue with your routine and stick it out. Your friend can act as your accountability partner and you can act as your friends partner. Working together, you can both make it through.

Walk The Walk

When beginning your fitness routine one of the easiest ways to start is walking. Start slowly as stated above and increase your distance daily. Perhaps just around the block the first few days, then go a block and a half. Continue adding in blocks until you reach a mile or two. Once you set your goal work up to it. Walking is a good healthy exercise that most doctors recommend. You can learn to speed up your pace or slow it down accordingly.

Eat Healthy

No fitness routine is complete without a healthy diet. If you're living on french fries and other fatty foods, you're not doing your body any favors. A once in a while treat is fine but it you're dining on junk food constantly it's time to drop those foods from your diet. Remember, you're working on a fitness routine and you don't need that fat weighing you down.

Create A Routine

Use a routine to stay focussed and do your workout. Perhaps you get up, make the bed, get the kids on the bus and then take a walk. Whatever your routine, add fitness into it at the same time daily to help your body adjust to it. Stay with it for at least three weeks and it will become an automatic part of your day.

Use Your Smarts

If you have a tablet or a smart phone you can take advantage of many aps that will help you track your progress in your new fitness plan. A few of them even include a diet plan to follow and a calorie counter.

Fitness should be a part of everyone's daily life. Planning fitness into your day is easy once you get into a routi
Tips For Beginning Fitness Tips For Beginning Fitness Reviewed by Unknown on January 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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